• Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8AM to 9PM
  • 121 King Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia
  • Get Appointment
    703 (123) 4567

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Hosting Plans

From small business to enterprise, we’ve got you covered!

Shared Hosting


  • 3 Websites
  • 24/7 Live Support
  • Easy Website Builder
  • Weekly Backups
  • Money-Back Guarantee

Dedicated Server


  • 4 Core Intel Xeon-D CPU
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 1 TB HDD
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Linux or Windows OS

VPS Hosting


  • 2 GB RAM
  • 30 GB Storage
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Hosted Domains
  • Linux Ubuntu OS

Questions? Comments?

Whether you need help or just want some tips on where to start: hit up our experts anytime.